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Weekly Check-ins
Weekly check-ins were questions similar to the pre- and post-test. While the main questions remained similar and showed minuscule growth between the pre- and post-test. I found that the question of how you are feeling showed the most change through time. Starting on your left, the image below shows most students felt bad and were five and under on a 1 (bad)- 10 (good) scale. In reviewing the middle weekly check-in, the students were more spread out compared to the first image. This check-in was important for me to see what modifications need to be changed in instruction. I took the results and reflected on what anecdotal notes I had taken over the positive or negative social-emotional skill(s) I had observed in the classroom. In combination with this weekly check-in, I modified instruction by modifying Sanford Harmony lessons for social circle with examples of similar situations that were happening in the classroom. The last graph shows that students were moving towards the higher end of the scale with a few students remaining below five. The first four weeks, were where the left and middle image are from, show how improvement of instruction and weekly check-ins guided student progress. The right image was during those final two weeks of the action plan research and how detrimental weekly check-ins combined with the other data collection pieces were needed in order to see student growth.
Image one:
from week one weekly check-in
Image two:
from week three weekly check-in
Image three:
from week five weekly check-in
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